New visuals for everything!
hey everybody, I've done a lot more work on Snack Slice 2 since my last update! Last time I only showed the basic slice ability and how much cleaner it is over the original snack slice. A good chunk of what I've done since is more technical and not very interesting, but I've also made many visual changes to make the moment to moment gameplay feel as good as possible, as well as have everything nice and clean to look at.
Here's a big list of all the new changes:
- Added the eating guys from the first game. This time around, they only need to eat ONE food object instead of a certain amount of food. In snack slice 1, lots of people and myself on retrospective playthroughs really didn't like this mechanic as they'd often just barely miss the required amount and be forced to restart. The eating guys are also way better animated this time around, done by @Staggernight :]
- Previously, the black terrain was done using Godot's tilemap feature. This time, they use polygons and can be any shape. This is much easier to work with and may allow me to create some kind of level editor in the future.
- Sliceable objects now have "depth" to them. This is done by layering an additional sprite behind the main sprite. This additional sprite can be any texture, allowing objects to look like they have some kind of inside.
- Nicer backgrounds. The new backgrounds use a similar shader to the one in squadaddle, and is far more interesting to look at than the plain backgrounds in snack slice 1. The shadows also make their return.
- Slice particles. They look pretty similar to the way they did previously
- Level loading, transitions, and reload button. They've all been given nice animations that I really love, and is way faster than before. In the original, you HAD to press R to reset, but now you can now click to reset with the mouse as well. I'm hoping to make the entire game playable with mouse only.
this gif doesn't do it justice trust me it looks CLEAN
- Freeze points. These were in the last game but they were a bit shit.
that's everything i can remember off the top of my head tbh there's probably a few more things but these are all the things worth showing right now. I think I'm at the point now where I can start putting together some levels. I want to do a super mario world style map, but we'll see if something like that works for a game like this.
ok goodbye see ya i might take a break from this to draw my gift for the ng secret santa that ive been putting off oops