like qwerty said the controls take a bit of getting used to but i think they are otherwise pretty fun. the worm fight was pretty good, the only issue i had was in the first phase, i had trouble telling which hole the worm was going to move to, and by the time i found it it would move to another hole.
in the colony level, moving the head into the hole isnt super obvious at first but it once u figure it out theres no issue really, works good. the ant queen boss was pretty aggravating. when she does the "shockwaves" or whatever of the nasty floor muck the game has a lot of trouble telling if ive stepped on it or not. i would often take damage when i clearly never touched it, and sometimes i WOULD touch it and not take any damage at all. during her second phase, the last flying bug is ungodly hard to hit, since the queens hitbox is in the way. it forced me to just shotgun blast the balls until i got lucky and enough of them hit.
during the race, there are certain segments where there is no snow, meaning if you get hit by an oncoming snowball, youre just fucked and you have little chance to actually recover. the snowballs have very little build up, really just feels like luck is the only determining factor in not getting hit by them, which sucks since not getting hit makes or breaks winning the race. also, hitting him during the race does delay him but by such a miniscule amount that it doesn't counteract the time to actually build a new ball and catch up.
as for his fight, it starts off not so bad but gets way too chaotic too fast, again feeling largely up to luck whether or not a stray snowball hits you and knocks you into everything else. at some point i clipped into the wall and got stuck so i gave up.
i also had overall bugs and issues. in the options menu, the dark yellow (unselected items) on purple is near unreadable for me. at one point the game got like a pixel filter that wouldnt go away? like the game was suddenly running at 30p? Also, the longer i played the more crusty the audio would become, hurting my ears (ive seen similar issues in other godot games). The music would sometimes cut out too, which diminishes the vibe quite a bit lol
overall i think the game is pretty cool, i think the movement mechanics and having to sacrifice movement to attack is really interesting and fun, having to collect sauce from the ground is cool too. Each level also offers a cool unique experience, used to too many games where level 2 is just level 1 but longer so props to that. i think this game needs a LOT of polish though, and probably some heavy playtesting (i guess thats why im here!)