as a kid i would make games and shitty little things on scratch, that website where you can use block coding to make whatever. It was an interesting feeling, searching though the menu of all the blocks you could use. I could get lost thinking of all the different things i could try doing with a particular block. And of top of that, if some one had posted a cool game on the site, you could open their project and see all the tricks and methods they were using to make their games. Similar to flash certain methods would be found to do certain things with the limited tools, and you'd start seeing it in a million different projects.
Now I use godot, and don't get me wrong its way more capable and better in everyway, but part of me misses that feeling of searching through the blocks, and digging into other peoples games. Godot is just TOO capable. There's few "tricks", you just go do what you need.
I saw this back when it was posted but I watched it again today and thought i should leave a thought or two. Its very good and not something that could be anything else.